Inspire Datacare always believe in delivering quality and reliable software to our customers. We strive hard to render 100% satisfactory technical services. And, to make it sure that our customers are always satisfied with the quality of our products we always offer free demo versions of our software for customers to know the accurate processing and working capacity so that they can take their own decision whether they need it or not. Using the demo version software is entirely free of cost, and yes, anyone can take a test drive of this demo version of the software. One of the best things about the free demo version of our software is they work similar to paid, full versions but restricts you at the point where you want to save the recovered data. You can always preview the recovered data, but to proceed further, we want you to purchase the licensed version.
If you are not satisfied with purchased directly from Inspire Datacare (, contact us within 30 days of your purchase to receive a refund. Refunds requested more than 30 days after your initial purchase date will not be issued unless the transaction was subject to a fraudulent purchase.
Thanks, all of you for reading and understanding our money back guaranty policy. Hope this information will help you to purchase products from Inspire Datacare safely.
What People Say about Exchange EDB to PST Converter Software?
Thanks, I 'm downloading the Exchange Recovery Software and moment and it seems that everything recover as well mailbox to pst formats. Your response has been timely
What People Say about Exchange EDB to PST Converter Software?
InSpire Exchange EDB to PST Converter is a tool that helps a user in converting any size of EDB files to PST in order to easily access their email,contacts, calendar, and appointments.
What People Say about Exchange Recovery Software?
I am happy to recover our damaged EDB file with Inspire Exchnage EDB to PST Converter. Support response has been timely. Thank you so much